You want to recruit outstanding talent on a large scale but don’t know where to start. The procedure may be simplified without sacrificing quality if the right techniques and technologies are used.
The process of employing a significant number of applicants in a short period of time is known as high-volume recruitment. To put it another way, the duty of a high-volume recruiter is to find quality applicants and link them to available positions on a large scale.
High-volume recruiters must discover and assess a large number of applicants for a range of positions on a daily basis, whether in-house or outsourced. High-volume recruiters often set a daily placement target of 5-7 applicants to be discovered, interviewed, assessed, and progressed through the recruiting process.
To remain on track and produce consistent outcomes, it is critical to adhere to a well-defined process and rely on the appropriate tools.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Conducting research is essential to a high-volume recruitment campaign’s success. Researchers are in high demand among recruiters. When it comes to high-volume recruitment, traditional techniques like as job boards will not provide you with the necessary number of qualified applicants.
You may broaden your search by visiting unemployment websites, industry-specific job boards, and college outreach pages. Effective research, on the other hand, requires a comprehensive knowledge of the geographic areas to target, as well as a comprehension of your rivals’ recruitment techniques.
Employee recommendations are also important. You may quickly increase and diversify your talent pool by utilizing suggestions to find prospects without adding any more work.
Expediting verified prospects increases hiring velocity by removing several stages of the recruiting process, such as job description development, ad publishing, resume collecting, and applicant screening.
Furthermore, alignment between recruiters and hiring managers, a focus on creating job descriptions that properly reflect the kind of applicant you’re looking for, and early interaction with prospective candidates are all critical components of high volume recruitment success.
Hiring on a Larger Scale Can Be Made Easier With Automation:
Recruiters may be able to increase productivity in high-volume hiring by using artificial intelligence (AI) recruitment technologies.
Job distribution automation relieves recruiters of time-consuming, repetitive duties while increasing the return on advertising expenditure.
Use The Relevant Metrics To Track Performance:
Furthermore, when utilizing software for high-volume recruitment, it is essential to analyze performance metrics to verify that your marketing expenditures are being utilized. Using cost-per-hire alone is an antiquated approach that overlooks the difficulties of recruiting for highly specialized jobs, as well as the need to pay a premium for top-tier personnel.
Scorecard Method:
To get more accurate data, use a hiring scorecard. Begin by calculating your net hiring score by polling both the hiring manager and the new employee on their perceived fit.
Your net hiring score is calculated by subtracting the proportion of negative answers from the percentage of positive ones. Then divide your recruiting budget by your hiring velocity, which is defined as the proportion of positions filled on time to total payroll.
You may be able to recruit more effectively at a large volume if you tailor these three variables to your particular requirements. If you have a little recruiting budget but a high hiring velocity but a negative net hiring score, you may need to slow down and dedicate resources to reevaluating your hiring criteria.
Virtual Recruitments:
Ms.Mariana Joseph from Techfetch RPO (https://rpo.techfetch.com/), the US-based recruitment process outsourcing company says about the Virtual Recruitment trend “By utilizing a completely virtual recruitment procedure, they were able to not only hire fast during the COVID-19 epidemic, but also verify that new employees’ skill sets matched their new jobs. One of their astute tactics was to go out to partners who had just laid off workers”.
Because those businesses had a thorough understanding of their workers’ talents, CVS was able to swiftly put individuals where their capabilities were most required. They improved both the recruiting velocity and the net hiring score at the same time. They also conducted virtual interviews and tryouts, which allowed them to assess and recruit new workers in as short as one day.
While few businesses or sectors have CVS’s infrastructure and connections, adopting their best practices across the recruiting process may save any firm time, money, and aggravation. Change your recruiting procedure in light of the hiring scorecard results.
Organizations have a unique problem when it comes to high-volume recruitment: how to increase staff numbers while maintaining applicant quality. Regardless of the difficulty, you can regularly achieve your recruiting objectives and master the art of high volume recruitment by preparing ahead of time, using available resources, integrating cutting-edge technology, and monitoring success using the appropriate metrics. Read More